Seek First His Kingdom

Well, I'm back again, and it's already August! I can hardly believe it. I've got my coffee in hand, it's rainy, and I'm feeling inspired to write a post, so here goes!

As I was making some egg bake muffin things this morning (I'm not certain what their proper name is), I was watching my Right Now Media app on my TV. Side note: I'm determined to start cooking for myself more. If you are a single or even if there's just two of you, you can probably feel my pain when it comes to cooking for one (or two). I often find myself going out to eat, or just snacking and skipping meals, because cooking a big meal for myself and eating the same meal every day for the next week because there are so many leftovers doesn't always sound appealing. Well back to the point here, when I cook or bake, I sometimes like to throw something on the TV. Today I Just so happened to be watching "The Sacred Search" by Gary Thomas. Very interesting. And maybe I'll right a post about it another day, but today what stuck out to me was the verse he kept referencing over and over again. It's not the first time I've heard the verse. I would actually consider it to be one of my favorite verses, and one that I have kept close to me over the last few years. It's found in Matthew.

Seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well.

The first time I read this verse, I thought to myself, "All I have to do is seek God and I'll get everything I want? That seems silly." Well if you look at this verse in context, it is part of the sermon on the mount, where crowds gathered near Capernaum to listen to Jesus speak. Jesus is teaching about worry and informing that they need not worry; all they need to do is seek God first in everything. Well, I quickly realized that seeking Him isn't always quite as easy as it sounds. It's simple, but not always easy. This means putting His desires above my own. Seeking Him first above anything else. This means letting go of my own desires and trusting that in everything God has a will and a way.

And this quickly led to me realizing that my desires are not always in line with what God has in store. I learn this over and over again. I know this truth, yet, I continue to think that I know what is best. I'm quickly reminded otherwise.

It is simple. We need to prioritize and seek Him first. Where are we spending our time? What is taking priority in our lives? Are we allowing God full control or are we focusing our attention elsewhere? I struggle with this on the daily. How much time do I spend scrolling through Instagram on a daily basis? (I don't even want to know the answer to that question.) My goal this week is to consciously seek Him first in everything.

I know... you expected this post to be a yummy recipe or something based on how I started off. I hope you are encouraged if you decided to read the whole post anyway. Maybe I'll throw in a recipe another time!

With love, Kati


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