I guess I'll give this blog thing a whirl

Hey y'all! Kati here. So, I'm new to this whole blogging thing. I'm not even entirely sure how to post onto my own blog, so this is basically a guinea pig post. I thought I would give it a whirl, mostly for word vomiting my own thoughts into word format, but if anyone else gains anything from it, I'd say it's a win!

My main aim here is to just be real with you. No sugar coating, no pretending. There are topics that have really been laid on my heart lately that I might address. And who knows, maybe I'll throw some photography on here too. We'll call it a smorgasbord.

So I'll start off with a little intro. I'm Kati (pretty sure you've figured that out by now). Hopeless romantic, lover of Jesus, hot dogs, coffee and all things sweet. I absolutely love my family. I have fabulous parents who are the greatest role models, four awesome sisters, and three great brother in-laws. Oh, and I can't forget, I'm an auntie to three! They are the sweetest. I'm an aspiring photographer (Kati E Photography). I absolutely love to capture life's precious moments on camera. I'm currently not taking nearly as many photos as I would like to due to my full time job as a NICU nurse, BUT I absolutely love my role there, so these roles will just have to coexist for now! Currently on my bucket list of places to travel would be the Grand Canyon, Banff, and the Wisconsin Dells (not quite as exciting as the first two, but who doesn't love a good waterslide?). I visited Banff as a young girl, and have had such a desire to go back in the last few years. I'm craving some adventure!

I feel like I've probably missed some high points about me, but I've got to get to work and take care of the precious babies, so this will do for now!

I quite honestly have no idea where God will lead me in these next few years, which is crazy exciting and all so terrifying at the same time (I'm a woman that likes to plan). But I'm ready to share my experiences, learning curves, and maybe some photos from along the journey!

With love, Kati


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