Investing in my passion

Things I have learned in having a blog for exactly one day:

-I'm really not that exciting of a person
-I love to hear the clicking of the keyboard when I type; it brings me joy and satisfaction (I've always thought that I would make a great receptionist)
-I try to think of a "moral of the story" to blog about for every little situation

Well friends, I mentioned that I like photography in my previous "intro" post, so guess what? I went out and spent my entire life savings on a new camera (okay, maybe not my entire life savings, but it sure felt like it walking out of the store). I have been contemplating whether or not to upgrade my camera body or just get another lens, but I think it was time! I was GIDDY as I was opening the box. A little back story for you- I was gifted a Canon Rebel T2i for Christmas my junior year of high school. One of the best gifts I have ever received, as it kind of fueled my passion for photography. Yes, I have been shooting with that camera since and it has been through a lot with me, but it was most definitely time to move on. Shoutout to Jake from Best Buy for being awesome and reassuring me that I was making the right decision!

Backtracking a little bit. I've found myself getting discouraged with my lack of knowledge and ability with my photography lately. I've felt kind of stuck and not really progressing. I was about ready to put my camera aside. But, I met someone that told me about a couple from Arizona that teaches photography courses and I decided to enroll in one of their courses that goes over everything from lighting to posing to retouching etc. (don't worry, I'll share some photos of my progress eventually). I've only made it through one module thus far, but have already learned so much! I'm excited to put some of my new knowledge to use with my new purchase!

So there's a little update on my photography. Moral of the story? Don't go to Best Buy.... (only kidding). Invest in yourself! If you have something that you are passionate about, go for it! Don't second guess yourself and don't give up on something that fuels you. It may have been a little bit of a leap to make a purchase like this, but why not follow my dreams and invest in something that I love?

Short and sweet post, but this lady is tired. I hope y'all had a fabulous Tuesday!

With love, Kati


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