
In the last 24 hours alone, a 22-year-old woman's baby was taken from her, and her body was found in the river, the appearance of an empty watercraft has teams searching for a missing man that never returned to his family, and a 24-year-old man died in a rollover accident. This is all within an 80 mile radius. Turn on your news and we are bombarded with devastating news all around us. Hurricane Harvey devastates the shores of Texas, complete chaos breaks out in Charlottesville, terrorist attacks worldwide, complete division of our country, and ultimately complete disarray surrounds us. Can we just all agree that this world is so so broken and completely dysfunctional?

My heart just breaks. My heart breaks for the young woman that's life was taken from her that will never get to see her baby grow up. My heart breaks for the family that is waiting for answers as to where their loved one is and what possibly could have happened. My heart breaks for those who are persecuted and degraded by others because of the color of their skin. What is wrong with our society? How did we get here?

We are broken. Each and every one of us. This world is broken. But I am reminded today that we have HOPE. We have redemption and His name is Jesus. We can look forward to a future with no more suffering. This world and all of it's brokenness is temporary. But we have hope of life eternal. I am SO excited to be in the presence of Jesus, free from the current trials of this world. And let's be real, some days, that hope is the only thing that gets me through the day in this broken world.

"He will wipe every tear from their eyes.
 There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.”
Revelation 21:4

This is a short and sweet post, but I just had to remind y'all of the hope that we have. Sending out so many prayers to Savanna Greywind's family during this difficult time.

With love, Kati


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