Charlie + Tami

It's me again! Back with another awesome couple who entrusted me with capturing their love story. Charlie and Tami are SO much fun and boy are they naturals in front of the camera! What a fabulous winter session we had! The bride-to-be had messaged me with a couple of her wardrobe choices earlier this winter and I was SO excited to shoot her gorgeous mid-length black skirt! And she had a red top?! How fun would that be against the white Minnesota snow?

As I arrived at our location on this gorgeous winter day, it was picturesque. The sun was shining just right, and I was so excited to start shooting. Although it was slightly warmer than it had been earlier in the week, the wind was still pretty chilly. Tami was an absolute champ as she trudged through the snow in her high heels for our first set of shots! But boy was it worth it (I think she would tell you the same). Don't worry, she was able to thaw her feet out a little bit by the fire before throwing on her Sorel boots and heading back out on the snowmobiles to head to our next location. Yes, you read that right. We took the snowmobiles. I think that might have been one of my favorite moments from our session and I must say, a first as a photographer-- "You know how to drive a snowmobile, right?" We took off over the hill on the snowmobiles and the lighting was just perfect! Good call, Charlie.

I am honored to be able to capture this lovely couple's wedding day this coming June. I just know that it will be absolutely perfect, and not to mention, it will be a blast! I'm so looking forward to it! For now, here's a glimpse into our beautiful winter engagement session! Enjoy!

With love, Kati


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