
Another photography post because it's been a while! Have I mentioned that I love newborns? It's probably good that I am in the area of nursing that I am. I get to take care of newborns every day. But there is just something about snuggling a newborn baby. It makes my heart happy. Needless to say, I jump at the opportunity to snap some newborn photos when I can.

Today I got to meet Declan. And boy, is he CUTE! I had the pleasure of working with Declan's mommy in the NICU (we were so sad to see her leave), and jumped at the opportunity to capture her baby's first moments!

Declan was born just before the new year! His hair has the slightest tint of red like his mama, and he loves to eat! (The lactation counselor in me was more than happy to pause for feeding breaks!! YAY!) He also wanted to be AWAKE and a part of the action, and I don't blame him one bit!

With love, Kati


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