All The Single Ladies

Alright, vulnerable post coming at you. This one is for my ladies out there. You know who you are. You hear the all too familiar song by Beyonce come on at a wedding dance and you're back on the dance floor once again. Yup. Single ladies. The bride tosses the bouquet and there all the single ladies wait. Disclaimer: the whole bouquet toss does not actually work! I've caught the bouquet at several of the last weddings that I have attended, and here I am, still single.

I sometimes struggle with singleness. As I know many do. I've dealt with the heartbreak and feelings of rejection (more times than I would have liked to) and each time it's brought me right back to this same spot. Single. Sometimes I find myself frustrated, annoyed, and feel that I will never find "the one." Truth of the matter is, it's not in my control. God has a perfect plan for my life and yours. 

It's easy to find ourselves in a constant state of waiting. Waiting for what's next. Thinking that when we reach that next stage, everything will be better. Maybe it's a promotion at work, or a new job altogether. Or thinking that once we finally settle down and get married, that then we will have it all together. I find myself guilty of this all too often. When I was in school, I constantly wished to just start working as a nurse and to just be done with school. I wanted so badly for the next stage of life to come. I often wished that I would just find my husband and start a family. But I think it's safe to say that God's got other plans (or at least a different timeline). Pretty sure I just talked about these plans God has in my previous post. Seek first His kingdom. We need to fervently seek God. I once read a quote by Maya Angelou that stated, “A woman's heart should be so hidden in God that a man has to seek Him just to find her.” Can I get an Amen? Let's all make that our goal. Because ultimately, we need to love Him first, in order to have the capacity to love another human, full of flaws and brokenness like ourselves. 

So to my single ladies out there (or single men, I don't want to leave you out), embrace this period of singleness. Take full advantage of this time you have to seek God and fully devote yourself to Him and uncovering his PERFECT plan for your life

Also, take those trips with your ladies (or guys). Do the things that you may not be able to do otherwise. Take advantage of the singleness. Sit by yourself in your underwear, eat popcorn, and watch that Law and Order: SVU marathon (okay, I will probably do this one when I'm married). But, not only can we passionately seek God, we can take this time to better ourselves and learn things about ourselves that will benefit future relationships. So take heart, my friends. God's got BIG plans for your future. 

Cheers to my future husband! 

With love, Kati


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